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5 Questions to Ask Your Gynecologist

5 Questions to Ask Your Gynecologist

If you haven’t recently been to the gynecologist, scheduling an appointment is a good opportunity to get your questions answered. At Darin L. Weyhrich, MD, we welcome any question you might think to ask, no matter how intimate or embarrassing it might seem. Our team is professional and caring, which means we treat you with respect and compassion.

Here are five questions to get the ball rolling. 

1. Is vaginal discharge normal?

If you’ve had any changes in your vaginal discharge, don’t be embarrassed, even if there’s an smell or an odd color — it’s certainly something we’ve seen before.

If your vaginal discharge causes itching, has an unpleasant odor, or is otherwise disruptive to your life, please be sure to bring it up. We can determine if you have one of several common conditions, such as a yeast infection, bacterial vaginosis, or a sexually transmitted infection. In most cases, we can prescribe something that will clear up the issue.

2. Does my gynecologist need to know about my other health issues?

Your gynecologist is usually a member of your primary care team, and some women see their gynecologist more regularly than they see a general practitioner. That’s why it’s so important for us to know about what’s going on with your overall health.

We may run a battery of standard tests to check up on your health, especially if you haven’t recently seen your primary care physician in a while. We may check your blood sugar and your blood pressure. If there’s anything else that’s been bothering you, be sure to mention it.

3. What does it mean if my period is irregular?

If you have any changes to your period, make sure to tell us. If your cycles have become irregular or your periods are extremely heavy, you may have other health conditions that we need to evaluate. We may do further testing to rule out conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome, endometriosis, or fibroids. Any concerns about your period are definitely worth mentioning.

4. Could I have a sexually transmitted infection?

We get it: Talking openly and honestly about sexually transmitted diseases is not easy, but it’s essential that you talk to us about it. Be honest about your sexual practices, whether you use condoms to prevent infections, which type of birth control you use, and how many partners you have.

You can also tell us if you’re having sex with male or female partners. Our goal is not to judge, only to make sure that you’re as safe, protected, and healthy as possible.

5. Why don’t I want to have sex?

Although we don’t need to know all of your most intimate details, it is important to tell us if you’re suffering from low libido or if sex is unusually painful for you. Experiencing low libido can be a side effect of hormonal disorders or a sign of menopause. You may be able to get relief from hormone replacement therapy.

Similarly, if sex is painful for you, we can investigate whether the cause is due to low hormone levels or if you have another condition such as vaginismus. We can help restore your sex life and make it more comfortable.

If you have these or any other questions, it’s a good time to schedule a consultation. Contact Dr. Darin L. Weyhrich today or schedule an appointment online.

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