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5 Things to Consider When Choosing Your Birth Control Method

5 Things to Consider When Choosing Your Birth Control Method

Choosing a birth control method can sometimes feel overwhelming. Maybe you’ve already tried the Pill but don’t like the daily regimen. Or you want something long-term but not permanent. How can you pick one?

It helps to arm yourself with information about the different categories of birth control. Whether you want to be more satisfied with what you have or you’re new to birth control, this guide can help. Darin L. Weyhrich, MD, explains more. 

Birth control options to consider

Birth control offers more choices than you could ever imagine. There are a variety of birth control methods available. These include the following:

The pill

Oral hormonal birth control, often called the Pill, prevents ovulation and is the most-used contraceptive. 

Barrier methods

These forms, such as condoms or a diaphragm, prevent the egg from joining with sperm.

Longer-term methods

Some methods, such as the IUD or the birth control implant, are designed for long-term use but are reversible if you want to have kids later.

There are more methods than these, which we’d be happy to discuss with you. Schedule an appointment for a birth control consultation. 

5 things to consider when choosing your birth control method:

There’s a lot to consider when choosing a birth control method, and a lot of different factors that go into each decision. Here are five.

1. Whether or not you want kids someday

Maybe you want kids someday, but not now. When you want to leave the door open for your fertility, the Pill and other reversible methods like the IUD, sponge, and condoms are good choices. 

2. How good you are at remembering things

Every birth control method has a success rate based on expected margins of error. However, some (like the Pill) require perfect use. That means never skipping a day and taking it at around the same time each day. 

A more permanent method may be better if you’re not good at remembering or can’t allow for human error.

3. What your periods are like

Some forms of birth control — particularly the Pill — can help you deal with other problems, such as heavy and irregular periods and endometriosis. 

4. How many partners you have 

If you’re sexually active with more than one person, you need a contraceptive that not only prevents pregnancy but also guards against sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Talk to Dr. Weyhrich about condoms and dental dams.

5. When you’re sure your family is complete

When you know your family is complete, you want to ensure you can’t get pregnant again. That’s when permanent options such as a vasectomy or tubal ligation are the right choice for you.

It may be the best decision if you have additional health concerns, such as fibroids or endometriosis.

Deciding on a method of birth control is easy when you know what to consider. We want to help you find the best option for you. Contact Dr. Darin L. Weyhrich or request an appointment online.

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